Marina Spotlights

Interview with the Manager at Schooner Island Marina - Wildwood, New Jersey

Meet Tony Sandora


Manager, Schooner Island Marina, Wildwood, N.J.

When did you become manager at Schooner Island Marina?

I started working for McKee Yacht Sales at the marina in 2002. Shortly afterward, corporate wanted to change the management style for the marina. Having experience as a project manager for 25 years in the corporate world made me the perfect fit.

Tell us a wacky boater story.

Our marina is very family oriented, but boaters like to party, and on occasion it can get out of hand. Once a boater fell into the water during some partying on his boat. He denied falling into the water; however, we captured his splash on our security camera.

What celebrity do you think you most look like?

I have been told that I look like Rick Harrison from Pawn Stars.

If you could be anyone else, who would it be?

Bill Boyce, the host of IGFA Saltwater Adventures, because I love to fish. He has fished all over the world and gets paid for doing what he loves.

Where is your next vacation going to be?

Every year in January I take my wife on a Caribbean cruise. It's my way of saying thank you for putting up with my long hours at the marina during the season. We relax and enjoy being together with no interruptions.

Where do you get your best ideas at your desk or in the car?

Definitely in my car. I have time to myself to think things through with little distractions.

Who in the marine industry has had the greatest impact on your life?

Ed Gunning. He recommended me and was responsible for my initial hiring at McKee Yacht Sales. Also, Frank McKee, the owner of Schooner Island who has given me this great opportunity.

How do you blow off steam and relax?

Get on a boat and go offshore with my wife and watch the dolphins.

What's one of your pet peeves?

I hate disorder. I am extremely neat and organized.

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